Fraction Clock for Pebble

Fraction Clock  Pebble

Fraction Clock now available for Pebble!

Tell time in reduced fractions.
We hear it all the time: "What time is it?" "It's a quarter 'til three." But what if you took that to the next level? "What time is it?", they ask? "It's thirteen twentieths past eight."
Fraction clock takes the current number of hours and minutes over the total number of hours and minutes and reduces them to their lowest form. It provides an interesting new way to tell time, allowing you to easily see what fraction of the hour or day has gone by.


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Fraction Clock

Fraction Clock  WP 8

We're all thinking the same thing; isn't telling time just too easy? Shouldn't there be a more complicated way to tell time? Well now there is... with Fraction Clock.
Fraction Clock tells time in reduced fractions. That is, it takes the current number of seconds (e.g. 38), over the total number of seconds (60), then reduces it to its lowest form.
It provides an interesting new way of telling time. For example, "We are 3/10 of the way through the hour." You hear people say "It's a quarter past ten." Well now it's time to take that to the next level. What time is it, they ask? "It's five twelfths past three."
Hours are in military time, so 7 P.M. would show up as 19/24.
To decode the exact time, just take the denominator and figure out what number you need to multiply it by to get 60 (or 24 for hours). Then take that same number and multiply it by the numerator. For example, if the minutes say 13/15, 15 times 4 gets you 60. So 13 times 4 is 52, which is the current number of minutes. For hours, if it says 3/4, 4 times 6 gets you 24. So 3 times 6 is 18 (to convert from military time to standard time simply subtract 12), so it is 6 P.M. Whoever thought a clock would need such a long instruction manual! It's the only clock that keeps you sharp on your multiplication!

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The Doctor Is In

The Doctor Is In  Android

The Doctor Is In is an app that was developed by Micah Jayne, Kevin Mok, Jeff Tao, and Shehroze Khan as a course project for CMSC436 (Programming Handheld Systems) at the University of Maryland. It allows users to anonymously give and receive advice. Users can create accounts to keep track of questions they have asked and advice they have received, along with ratings for advice they have given. Asking a question costs 5 Mojo Cents, the in-app currency, and giving advice earns you 5 Mojo Cents. You can receive additional Mojo Cents for receiving good ratings as well. Users can choose to ask and give advice among a wide variety of categories.

This app is currently not available to download.

Bandwidth Listening Tool

Bandwidth Listening Tool  Firefox

Bandwidth Listening Tool (BLT) is a Firefox extension that was developed by Alyster Alcudia, Erick Arce, Arjun Baradwaj, Will Beckman, JD Cowan, Mario Finelli, Micah Jayne, Shabai Liu, Kevin Mok, Nirmal Patel, Alonzo Thomas, and Jeffrey Wang as a course project for CMSC345 (Software Engineering) at the University of Maryland. BLT allows you to monitor incoming bandwidth into your browser, giving you statistics on how much of this bandwidth is actual content, and how much is cruft (which are considered ads by default). The user can set their own definition of cruft (e.g. ads and all 3rd party scripts) to customize their experience. There is also a corresponding website, which users can opt-in to anonymously share their data to, in order to gain statistics on the content breakdown of popular sites.

This extension is no longer available.